Ringing in 26 with This Dotted Line

Today I’m turning 26. I didn’t really think about life after 25, if I’m being honest. Not because I’m morbid, but just because 26 felt sooo out of reach, especially when you’re young. Yet, here I am. 26. Married. Happy. And starting a business with one of my best friends.

It’s also This Dotted Line‘s birthday. We decided, what better way to launch our company than on my birthday? So, we’re doing it. As of today, This Dotted Line is officially open.

This has been such a labor of love for us for the past year and a half. If you’re wondering, “what is she even talking about?” then sorry, I forget not everyone knows every detail of it like I do. This Dotted Line is an e-commerce fashion company focused on curating the best sustainable brands while also offering a secondhand section for sustainable pieces at a lower price. Both Lindsey and I are hugely passionate about sustainability and we really wanted to create something that highlighted our love for the sustainable fashion world while not adding to what was already there. And thus, This Dotted Line was born.

We are only at the beginning. There aren’t too many lines and we plan to really fill out our secondhand shop with a range of prices and styles. But, it’s a start. We have big dreams and goals for this sweet little company. We hope to become your one-stop-shop for all things sustainable. We hope to educate and empower everyone to tread a little lighter on our planet. We hope to inspire you to live a life that is in tune with your deepest values.

Thank you for joining us,

About Hunter

I'm a 30A-based creator that shares about how to find and curate your unique style. I'm a lover of linen, shades of green, and my morning cup of tea. I'm also a new mom who has been rocking the coastal grandmother look since '93. Welcome to my home on the web, I'm so glad you're here!

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