Snapshots of Amsterdam

Getting to go back to Amsterdam after taking my “breakdown trip” (that’s what I’ve decided to call my pre-life crisis) felt like such good closure, but also bright in that my future is unknown, shit is scary, but I can go to that place of uneasiness and still return. Being there with my family and close friends and getting to show them around my stomping grounds was pretty magical. I even made sure to wave hello to Charlotte’s duck friends before I left.

Here are just a few snapshots from our first few days in the city. It was bustling, rustling, and a whole lotta crazy.







About Hunter

I'm a 30A-based creator that shares about how to find and curate your unique style. I'm a lover of linen, shades of green, and my morning cup of tea. I'm also a new mom who has been rocking the coastal grandmother look since '93. Welcome to my home on the web, I'm so glad you're here!

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  1. 8.7.17

    Looking Good..

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