Why Being A Best Friend Matters

Sydney's Graduation

Great friendship is such a special part of life, especially as you’re growing up and finding your unique spot in the world. I met my best friend, Sydney, before we were born. Yep, you read that right. Our parents became close friends when both of our mom’s were pregnant with us, and ever since I could remember, we’ve been inseparable.

Though distance has made us put a huge amount of effort into our friendship, there’s no one I would rather share all my secrets, worries, and successes with. Sydney graduated this spring, and I am so proud of her. She majored in finance and is going to take the business world by storm. Her kindness, passion for life, and generosity to everyone around her is inspiring. And I feel blessed beyond measure to be a part of her life.

Disney World with Sydney

What’s special to me about having such a close bond with someone is the support that I’ll always feel, because I know that no matter what stones are thrown our way, we’ll always have each other to cry on and laugh with. Sometimes at the same time.

Best friends are hard to come by, and even harder to stay close to.

I’m lucky to have a few true best friends in my life.

They can be sisters, friends, partners, mothers. Anyone that holds a special place in their heart for you and puts you as their priority considers you a best friend. And you can do the same to those people that you know you can’t live without.

When you find a friend like Sydney, hold onto them, cherish them, and be thankful for them every day of your life, because it’s the people that are closest to you that help make you who you are.

I love you, Syd! Thanks for being the best friend I could ever ask for.

Sydney and Hunter at the Beach

About Hunter

I'm a 30A-based creator that shares about how to find and curate your unique style. I'm a lover of linen, shades of green, and my morning cup of tea. I'm also a new mom who has been rocking the coastal grandmother look since '93. Welcome to my home on the web, I'm so glad you're here!

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  1. 6.18.15
    Helen Dickinson said:

    Love your sweet words and sweet friendship! Thankful for y’all’s unconditional love!

    • 6.20.15
      Hunter said:

      Thanks Mrs. Helen! Love you guys!

  2. 6.19.15
    Natalie said:

    It is always great to have that one best friend who you have known forever and even if you don’t see them for a while you can just pick right up where you left off 🙂

    I am nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

    • 6.20.15
      Hunter said:

      For sure!
      Wow, thank you so much for nominating me, Natalie! You’re awesome!

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