If you’ve read my previous posts like this one and this one, then you’ll know that I recently did the Elimination Diet. It’s basically a three-week “diet” (or we can use the word lifestyle change to be all happy happy about it) where you eliminate certain foods that might be causing inflammation, discomfort, and ultimately intolerances and allergies to your body. I eliminated a ton of foods including gluten, dairy, eggs, sugar, chocolate, red meat, shrimp, corn, soy, peanuts and probably a few more that I just can’t remember right now.
And honestly, it was life-changing for me. I chose to start seeing a doctor and ultimately do the elimination diet because I was having severe stomach pains and tons of emotional stress that was seriously demanding of my life. I felt out of control of who I was and what I wanted to do because I just couldn’t feel balanced and good. I wasn’t “unhealthy” or anything like that before, but I’ve just learned that I have a sensitive system and I need to give it lots of love. Since I’ve started feeling loads better, I’ve learned how my body reacts to certain foods or stress situations and what I need to do to keep my mind and soul full. It’s been an exciting journey for me that I’m still on, but I thougth I would share the elimination part of the experience with you. Also, at the end of this video, I recommend food products that I lived by during this diet and cookbooks that I love!
By the way, sorry for being quiet over here on the blogosphere lately. I have been traveling through Asia and the South Pacific and the internet has not been loving me very much. I’m finally in Australia where there is solid web time, so I can get back to posting. Check back this week for lots of travel posts because they’re coming atcha! Have a great week!