{via} As I find my way to bed after a long but fulfilling day of spending time with family and…
21 December
Hot Chocolate Three Ways
It’s finally chilly, the crisp is in the air, my boots are on full rotation, I’m finished with school for…
14 December
Interview With India Hicks
Photo by Colleen Duffley. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to start a blog was for community. I grew up…
9 December
Brunch At The Sea Grill
When you think of the perfect place to be around Christmas time, what immediately pops into your head? For me,…
7 December
My Holiday Candle Collection
Now that the nights are getting colder, the blankets getting warmer, and the fire burning brightly… I’m sure you’re looking…
2 December
Vlogmas Day 1!
It’s vlogmas time! Imagine me doing a really awkward happy dance! In case you don’t know what vlogmas is, it’s…
1 December
Black Paint Skincare Review
Happy Monday and Happy Holidays! I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving and a crazy weekend of Black Friday shopping!…
Today is the kick-off day for my first ever holiday gift guides! I am so excited to share with you…
23 November
Vegan Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
I think I blinked and it’s almost Thanksgiving. What?! We are now in full swing of my favorite time of…
12 November
Salty Air by the Seashore
JCrew sweater // JCrew hat // Burberry scarf // Topshop jeans // Converse shoes // Quay x Amanda sunglasses // MAC…

About Hunter
I'm a 30A-based creator that shares about how to find and curate your unique style. I'm a lover of linen, shades of green, and my morning cup of tea. I'm also a new mom who has been rocking the coastal grandmother look since '93. Welcome to my home on the web, I'm so glad you're here!